How Innovative Technology Can Augment the Marketing World

Michael Calia
30/01/2017 5:02 PM

Over the past couple of years, technological innovations have been driving new and interesting marketing trends. One prominent case of this would be the recent innovations in video. Not only is video quality getting better, but we are constantly seeing new opportunities that change how we use video. One big topic toward the end of 2016 was live video. Though it was not exactly a new idea, it became incredibly easy and accessible. But live video will soon become last year’s thing— and that’s not just because it was all the rage,


3 Simple Steps to Digital Marketing

Dave Scelba
17/06/2015 10:34 AM

I really dislike confusion and people who complicate matters in an attempt to look smart or worse — to sell you something. I have seen this happen when marketing experts describe digital marketing. It is often described in complex technical terms and therefore typically misunderstood by peers, clients and prospects. We have found presenting digital marketing as a linear step-by-step process helps demystify it. It makes it easily understood by those who want to get ahead of the competition with seamless and smart online interactions with target audiences,


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