Your Company Has Big News…Now What?

Lee Groeger
05/08/2022 10:29 AM

The truth is, sometimes, there’s just isn’t anything really newsworthy going on with a company. “Business as usual” is not a unique condition; in fact, I think it’s probably more the rule than the exception. It’s also a big reason why working with a good PR team that understands positioning strategy is so valuable–so when things are quiet, the wheels are still in motion to find or create news that can result in press coverage.


Public Relations and Content Marketing: Their Dynamic Relationship

Lee Groeger
15/10/2020 11:03 AM

Public relations and content marketing efforts should overlap to achieve consistency and strengthen brand communication. Learn about how they can be integrated.


How to Write a Successful Media Pitch for 2020

Lee Groeger
08/11/2019 2:25 PM

If you want to see yourself, your business or your brand featured in print, digital or broadcast media, you need to know how to write a successful media pitch. Get started with these 8 tips.


The 6 Questions That Will Help You Choose the Right Public Relations Agency

Lee Groeger
06/08/2019 2:06 PM

Public relations—or PR, as we say “in the biz”—is renowned for being one of those elusive professions that can be challenging to wrap your head around, at least at first. Many understandably have difficulty distinguishing it from complementary services such as advertising and marketing. The confusion stems from PR’s multifaceted nature, which has grown to include even more service areas as the multimedia landscape has evolved. As a decision-maker for a company or brand seeking PR support,


10 Ways to Gain Instagram Followers (The Right Way)

Lee Groeger
04/01/2019 5:01 PM

I’m proud to say that, at 3E Public Relations, we have a strict “no pay-for-play” policy when it comes to buying followers, comments, or participating in any form of activity intended to falsely bolster our clients’ social media platforms. Have we been asked if we provide that service? Of course. It’s just not our style, and in the long run, it’s not effective or sustainable…and Instagram agrees. In November 2018, the Facebook-owned social media giant finally cracked down on this shortcut,


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