Going Beyond Face Value to Deliver News Value: Media Relations Success Stories

Amy Stern
18/07/2019 3:56 PM

The ability to convert brand-centric content to newsworthy copy is the secret to media relations success. Learn how your brand can achieve the publicity you’ve been seeking.


Food for Thought: State of the Food and Beverage Industry 2019

Amy Stern
13/06/2019 3:35 PM

The 13th Annual State of the Food and Beverage Industry event provided valuable insights on CPG, retail/supermarket, and manufacturing/distributing trends. 3E PR uses this knowledge to develop highly effective media relations, content development and social media campaigns for food brands.


America’s Most Innovative Food Products Are Coming From Relative Unknowns – What’s Shaking Up the CPG Industry?

Amy Stern
06/12/2016 12:50 PM

Many of America’s most beloved food brands fall into the category known as CPG:  consumer packaged goods. Not sure what that means?  Then think Kraft, Unilever, Frito-Lay, etc. On the product side:  Oreos, Kraft American Singles, Quaker Oats and more.

shutterstock_145728560-2For years, these behemoths of the industrialized food age have been delivering some of America’s most iconic products to your shopping cart and ultimately, to your breakfast bowl, dinner plate or child’s lunchbox.


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