Working with the Media: A Peek Behind the Curtain

Lee Groeger
23/11/2022 6:35 PM

The media landscape has transformed exponentially in recent years. What once comprised traditional news outlets—newspapers, magazines, television, radio and, later, websites—has grown to become inclusive of blogs, social media channels, video platforms, and podcasts. With this growth, the pool of media contacts has also expanded, now including not only reporters and producers, but bloggers, hosts, and influencers of all varieties.

Working with the media has always required finesse, research, and a certain level of awareness.


Newsjacking – the Secret Weapon to Enhancing Your Marketing and Public Relations Efforts

Amy Stern
05/08/2021 11:29 AM

Newsjacking is the art and science of injecting your ideas into breaking and trending news stories so your brand and experts get noticed. It’s an effective media relations strategy that can create thought leadership opportunities – if done properly. Here’s how.


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