The 6 Questions That Will Help You Choose the Right Public Relations Agency

Lee Groeger
06/08/2019 2:06 PM

Public relations—or PR, as we say “in the biz”—is renowned for being one of those elusive professions that can be challenging to wrap your head around, at least at first. Many understandably have difficulty distinguishing it from complementary services such as advertising and marketing. The confusion stems from PR’s multifaceted nature, which has grown to include even more service areas as the multimedia landscape has evolved. As a decision-maker for a company or brand seeking PR support,


Going Beyond Face Value to Deliver News Value: Media Relations Success Stories

Amy Stern
18/07/2019 3:56 PM

The ability to convert brand-centric content to newsworthy copy is the secret to media relations success. Learn how your brand can achieve the publicity you’ve been seeking.


Making the Most of Your sofi™ Award at Summer Fancy Food Show

Lee Groeger
18/06/2019 2:58 PM

Winning an award is a huge boon for your brand, but it’s what you do with the news of your award-winning product that really drives its impact.


Food for Thought: State of the Food and Beverage Industry 2019

Amy Stern
13/06/2019 3:35 PM

The 13th Annual State of the Food and Beverage Industry event provided valuable insights on CPG, retail/supermarket, and manufacturing/distributing trends. 3E PR uses this knowledge to develop highly effective media relations, content development and social media campaigns for food brands.


Influencer Marketing Propels Brand Awareness for Organic Candy Maker

Amy Stern
16/05/2018 4:57 PM

One recurring question that comes up in most client meetings is the need for developing partnerships with influencers. Whether we are in a meeting in close proximity to our New Jersey office, or talking to a client across the country, influencer relations and marketing is a hot topic. Fortunately for our clients, including food brands, there is a recipe for success.

A case in point is Hillside Candy. The New Jersey-based company was seeking to increase brand awareness and product trial of its GoOrganic USDA-certified,


Food Trends – What’s Next in 2018?

Amy Stern
15/03/2018 4:56 PM

As a food brand manager, you’re tasked with more than growing awareness. You must also make sure the financial stability of the brand continues to thrive via strong sales. It’s also likely you’ve had to launch several new consumer packaged goods (CPG) products during your tenure, wondering if they’ll be the start of a hot new food trend.


I recently attended the 40th Anniversary conference of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) in New York City,


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