Mastering Interview Etiquette: How to Avoid Missteps Like Recent Celebrity Slip-ups

Matthew Singh
15/10/2024 2:53 PM

Learn about the importance of media interview etiquette and how to avoid common missteps, leaving a positive, lasting impression for your spokespeople and your brand.


Making the Most of Onsite Media Coverage

11/08/2023 9:20 AM

Securing onsite media coverage is just the beginning; find out how the right PR team can help prepare your spokespeople, manage media relationships and ensure your business is shown in the best light.


Working with the Media: A Peek Behind the Curtain

Lee Groeger
23/11/2022 6:35 PM

The media landscape has transformed exponentially in recent years. What once comprised traditional news outlets—newspapers, magazines, television, radio and, later, websites—has grown to become inclusive of blogs, social media channels, video platforms, and podcasts. With this growth, the pool of media contacts has also expanded, now including not only reporters and producers, but bloggers, hosts, and influencers of all varieties.

Working with the media has always required finesse, research, and a certain level of awareness.


5 Reasons Your Spokespeople Need Media Training in 2020

Megan Redzia
12/08/2020 12:36 PM

Media training your spokespeople positions your company to be featured in media coverage that will improve your reputation and increase your bottom line.


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