3 Simple Steps to Digital Marketing

Dave Scelba
17/06/2015 10:34 AM

I really dislike confusion and people who complicate matters in an attempt to look smart or worse — to sell you something. I have seen this happen when marketing experts describe digital marketing. It is often described in complex technical terms and therefore typically misunderstood by peers, clients and prospects. We have found presenting digital marketing as a linear step-by-step process helps demystify it. It makes it easily understood by those who want to get ahead of the competition with seamless and smart online interactions with target audiences,


3E PR Welcomes Summer Interns: Career Prep with a Daily Dose of Inspiration

Emily Maupai Zinberg
11/06/2015 10:37 AM

The school year may have come to a close for college students this month, but their education is certainly not over. That’s right – it’s summer internship season!

devil-wears-pradaThe days of sending interns scurrying off to get the afternoon caffeine fix are long gone. Note to college students reading this blog: if someone asks you to go get them coffee, please walk out the door, run if you prefer, and do not return.


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