Your Company Has Big News…Now What?

Lee Groeger
05/08/2022 10:29 AM

The truth is, sometimes, there’s just isn’t anything really newsworthy going on with a company. “Business as usual” is not a unique condition; in fact, I think it’s probably more the rule than the exception. It’s also a big reason why working with a good PR team that understands positioning strategy is so valuable–so when things are quiet, the wheels are still in motion to find or create news that can result in press coverage.


What is Public Relations and Why Do You Need It?

28/06/2022 12:36 PM

Public relations plays a vital role in business today, but do you know what PR professionals really do and why it’s important? In this blog, we give you the true definition of PR, explain how its evolved, and share what it can do for your organization.


Setting Your Brand Up for Lead Gen Success

Vanessa Shepherd
09/06/2022 4:31 PM

Brands should approach their marketing and public relations (PR) efforts in a cohesive way to be in a better position to generate leads consistently on all the channels they’re leveraging.


News or Snooze: How to Be Sure Your Corporate News Resonates with the Media

Amy Stern
24/05/2022 11:13 AM

4 Ways to Enhance the Value of Your Corporate Communications


Launching a PR Campaign: What You Need to Know and Do to Get It Right

Lee Groeger
16/05/2022 12:01 PM

Just like a rocket, when you’re launching a company, product line or initiative, you’ve really only got one shot at getting it right. In order to realize a successful PR launch, it’s helpful to visualize the big picture as a before-and-after. In fact, the ‘after’ is exactly where you should start.


Five Things PR Agencies Do That Might Surprise You

Megan Redzia
26/04/2022 12:06 PM

The role of a public relations agency has changed significantly over the past few years. Although our goal of helping brands to build a strong reputation remains the same, the way we achieve our objective has evolved through the pandemic and the ever-expanding digital world. Learn about five things public relations agencies do today that would surprise you in this blog.


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